No guarantee that your kids will love or respect you again. No guarantee that you will become happy, wealthy and find true bliss. Some people are under the impression that I’m anti AA. If you are serious about sobering up, then I suggest that you attend some meetings and read the materials. I also recommend that you go to a few different locations.
- Anything you can do to improve your overall health and wellness will serve double duty and improve your ability to stay sober.
- Instead, buck up and remember what’s in your control.
- I don’t need you to like me or even agree with me.
Sobriety gets better when you do.
Look, I’m not going being sober sucks to try and talk you into quitting drinking. I don’t care if you drink your nights, weekends or your life away – YOU have to care. If you’re viewing this page it’s because something inside of you said, “This aint working for me. I need to get this under control.” Some people, possibly many people will disagree with me and say that alcoholism is a disease and one is hooked upon their first drink. I respect differing opinions on the root of alcoholism.
- Just as when you were a drunk, you thought you were fine because you never had to deal with you.
- You’ll start to transform your identity into someone who shows up, does the hard work, and looks smoking hot in a swimsuit.
- Much of it has to do with simply trying to make the best out of your life, regardless of whether you’re a drunk or former drunk.
- This isn’t intended to be the setup for a joke, that’s how it happens.
Seek Support
Getting clean or sober is a dramatic change in lifestyle and emotions. These changes will be a challenge for all parties involved. Not just spouses and partners, but with family members, friends, with your job and with people you work with. It may even impact where you work or what you do as a career field. Everyone around you will have to deal with and get accustomed to the new and evolving YOU.
Feeling Like Being Sober Sucks? 12 Tips for Feeling Better
But we’re all different, which means that some of you may find it simple, easy and fun. And what is easy or fun for YOU may not be easy or fun for me and vice versa. Quitting drinking doesnt guarantee shit! There is no guarantee that your marriage, relationship or friendships will be rekindled.
I’m a stubborn, recovering know-it-all, which means I don’t like asking for help. This quality has not served me well, particularly in sobriety. Sobriety can’t vanquish all shameful memories from your brain, but it can teach you how to handle them. Negative emotions are part of the human experience, my friend.
- Stand up and say, I’m having a rough time, and any extra support is appreciated.
- Discover on your own what is most rewarding for YOU.
- Relapsing and starting over again sucks a lot more.
- However, a point came when the pleasure turned into a dependency, that’s when I became an alcoholic.
- I believe that the title “Alcoholic” is overused as well as misused.
- The physical and psychological withdrawals are one thing, but learning how to live as a sober person with problems that can’t be masked in alcohol is quite another.
- There are millions of other people in recovery, all at different stages, and many are having a bad day just like you are.
- Recovery Connection is the ultimate addiction recovery resource portal for information on the latest treatments, centers, and programs.
- I don’t care how YOU want to act or live your life.
- I respect my mind and my willpower more.
- The more you drink, the higher my dividends go.
You might find a perfect group for Substance abuse you and find that AA is just the right thing for you. Please check out my blog to get a better idea of my personality, my philosophies and to read much more material. Do you remember when you were a child? When the smallest things could mesmerize you? From being outside sweaty, running around and playing with bugs in the mud, to laughing at farts (I still do that) and wrestling with your friends. There is such a calm presence with children because they haven’t yet been mentally affected by themselves.