Their recovery is none of your business, and vice versa. Sobriety starts to get better when you stop living exclusively in your painful past and start caring about a future that has potential. The point is to find activities to fill the time and help you become a better person. You’ll start to transform your identity into someone who shows up, does the hard work, and looks smoking hot in a swimsuit. Those were the days I’d make it to being sober sucks the gym and think that things would turn out okay after all.
Q: “If living sober sucks, why live sober?”
You’ll reach a point where you accept that there are some difficulties ahead of you, but you’re not afraid of them. You don’t feel defined by your past as strongly. It’s not uncommon to feel like you’re running on a treadmill, getting nowhere, but feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.
Sobriety gets better in its own time.
I enjoyed the activity of drinking and I loved getting drunk. But eventually my reliance on getting drunk got the best of me; mentally, physically and financially. I’m honest with myself about my feelings and I accept responsibility for my own behaviors, which are key parts of my philosophies. I may have enjoyed drinking – but I will stay sober – no one can ever take that away from me, only I can take that away from myself. Does this mean that I was riddled with flaws and defects?
- Knowing that I will never drink again sucks.
- While sobriety begins when you stop drinking, re-invention is evolutionary and requires time.
- When it seems like all you want to do is forget, to go get high or drunk and be gone, if only for a few moments, remember what addiction’s cost you.
- I’m not sad, I don’t want to die, and antidepressants haven’t helped.
- You can always improve how you fare in sobriety by looking at where you can improve your quality of life.
When Does Sobriety Get Better? It Depends.
While sobriety alcoholism begins when you stop drinking, re-invention is evolutionary and requires time. Maybe you will gain and regain all you desire faster than you imagine. It will be up to you to make the best out of your sobriety. ALCOHOLIC- what a wonderful title to hold. For us problem drinkers, being an alcoholic is a badge of honor.
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- But I have found that most alcohol abusers are NOT awful people, they just drink too much.
- Join Recovery Connection in sharing stories of hope and recovery.
- The early days of sobriety are challenging.
- These changes will be a challenge for all parties involved.
This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for support, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit. Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile.
Days Sober – What To Expect When You Quit Drinking
I found new passions, activities and rewards. I had to radically change my view regarding how I respect alcohol, other people and how I approach social dealings. During my first year of sobriety I attended 100+ meetings at 4 different locations. I heard the same stories of desolation over and over again.